El Koussa accepts the SUNNY AWARD for his thriller novel, «The PHOENICIAN Code».

Some years ago Sunbury Press Inc., implemented an annual recognition program for Sunbury Press Books and began announcing a book of the year in each of their categories. As the company evolved to add imprints, they created a SUNNY Award for each of them, and just released the list of winners for 2019.

Classified an author in good standing whose literary work had the greatest outreach and who has an impactful book in the categories of FICTION / Visionary & Metaphysical, FICTION / Action & Adventure and FICTION /Thriller / Christian, Karim is delighted to announce that the novel won the SUNNY Award for 2019 for “Ars Metaphysica”, the mystery/religious imprint of Sunbury Press, and said, “I am extremely happy to receive this wonderful news. Thank you Sunbury Press for selecting one of my books as one of the winners for 2019.”

The novel is #2 All-Time Bestseller at Ars Metaphysica, also published in Lebanon (Dar Saer Al Mashrek, 2016), in France (Éditions Dervy, 2018) and is scheduled for 2020 TV Series by Northern Star Pictures Inc.